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In the early 1960s, on an overnight visit to New York, Rae discovered that she had forgotten her dressing gown. Her sister, Rick, with whom Ben and Rae werePeignoir staying, offered her one she had just purchased.

From the moment Rae slipped the peignoir on, all three realized it was something special to see Rae in it. Her sister never wore the peignoir again, as it returned with Ben and Rae to the Studio where Ben did a series of at least 10 watercolors of Rae wearing the peignoir. In each work, Rae is seen from the back looking into a mirror.The piece seen here is simply titled “Peignoir” and shows Rae in studio in front of Ben’s full length mirror in front of the studio windows.

In Water & Light, we have two examples of these acclaimed works, including one that hung in the Solowey bedroom for years.

One day we hope to mount an exhibition of these works, but for now this is your chance to see this particular obsession of Ben Solowey.

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